Contest #3 – Sound Design, Foley, Dialogue, and Score for an Imaginary Scene: “Fiendish Whispers”

ContestsPost-ProductionRecordingSound Design

Submissions are now closed. Winners will be announced on May 31, 2024 on the Waveinformer Winners Page.

We invite individuals or collaborative teams to accept the challenge of telling the story described in the script below purely with sound. This requires creating sound design, Foley, dialogue, vocalizations, and score for the imaginary scene. In addition to implementing the perfect sounds that drive the narrative and reflect the textual descriptions, creators are tasked with decisions relating to the timing of events, since there are no visuals to dictate exactly when sonic events should occur or how the scene unfolds. As opposed to radio plays which depend a great deal on the spoken script, this project has just one line of dialogue and leaves far more to the imagination of the listener guided by the sound.

Good luck all!


  • The contest is open to all Subscribers (free) or Pro Members of Waveinformer.
  • Read and analyze the script for Fiendish Whispers (below).
  • Create a soundtrack in your DAW of choice that includes sound design, Foley, dialogue, vocalizations, and musical score.
  • The track should be approximately 3 to 5 minutes in length.
  • Log in to your Waveformer account to get access to the Google submission form.
  • Submit 48k/24bit stereo .wav file with all the required elements described above labeled:
    • LastName_FirstName_FiendishWhispers.wav
  • Submit PDF or Text file describing the contributors with name, email, and role in the production labeled:
    • LastName_FirstName_FiendishWhispers.txt  OR  LastName_FirstName_FiendishWhispers.pdf


  • Submissions Open – Friday – April 19, 2024
  • Submission Deadline – Saturday – May 18, 2024
  • Selection Process – May 19 to May 31, 2024
  • Winners Announced on or about – May 31, 2024


  • Effective use of sound effects to drive the narrative
  • Effective use of music to drive the narrative
  • Realistic Foley effects that place the listener in the scene
  • Well-recorded and performed dialogue and vocalizations
  • Successful rerecording mix that creates a cohesive sonic experience
  • Emotional impact that keeps the listener engaged throughout the scene and successfully portrays the narrative with sound
  • Winners will be chosen by the Waveinformer Team and announced on or about May 25, 2024.


Winning entries will receive one license for each piece of software as listed below depending on the prize level. The top three entries will be posted on the Waveinformer Winners page along with the name and link for each contributor.

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Check out recent reviews of Trash and Rando on Waveinformer.


Fiendish Whispers

The dilapidated mansion stands amidst the thick fog that blankets the grounds, its eerie silhouette barely visible in the moonlight. A lone figure, Detective Jack Chambers, cautiously approaches, his footsteps muffled by the damp earth. The dense mist swirls around him, obscuring his view and heightening his senses.

As Jack steps through the rusted gate, a sudden chill runs down his spine. The mansion looms ominously before him, its windows boarded up like eyes shut tight against the darkness within.

With each creaking floorboard beneath his feet, Jack’s heart races faster, echoing the pulse of his apprehension. He navigates through the labyrinthine corridors, guided only by the dim beam of his flashlight. Shadows dance along the walls, whispering secrets of the past.

A faint sound draws Jack’s attention—a soft, almost imperceptible rustle, like the whisper of silk against stone. His grip tightens on his revolver as he inches closer, every nerve on edge.

Suddenly, the silence is shattered by a blood-curdling scream echoing through the halls. Without hesitation, Jack charges forward, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He bursts into a dimly lit chamber to find a figure, eyes wide with terror, backed against the wall.

Before he can react, the large creaking door slams behind him plunging the room into darkness, the flashlight flickering and dying. Panic sets in as Jack fumbles for his backup light, but the room remains pitch black, suffocatingly silent.

Then, from the darkness, a chilling voice pierces the void—a sinister whisper, dripping with malice. “Welcome, Jack. You’re just in time. Join us. The fun is about to begin.”

As the words hang in the air, a cluster of demonic whispers emerges and transforms into a dissonant sonic texture that continues to build before fading into the distance exposing a low ominous drone.

[End of scene]


Special thanks to our sponsors!

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